Sunday, August 22, 2010

Kat Von D: I'm Jesse James' Type!

Heil the happy couple...

Jesse James and ex-wife, Sandra Bullock, where often referred to as the "odd-couple," but Kat Von D tells KROQ's Kevin and Bean, "I think that I'm his type on a different level than people would assume."

No Kat, your connection with Jesse is exactly what everyone assumes: tattooed trailer-trash sex-addicted Nazis, making an excellent PR move by keeping your names in the media spotlight by passing germs back and forth between each other.

As for the shocking headlines James made by cheating on his movie star wife earlier this year, Kat said, "I stay out of all that drama.  I think its none of my business."

Good for you Kat!  Sleeping with a man who slept with whores should definitely be none of your business...until the day that those strange lesions begin popping up all over your body.

Kat goes on to talk about the fact that "we're all human and we're all capable of making mistakes."  She mentions her "drug addition...three years ago" and that "she's made mistakes too."

She sure has:  leaving her husband once she got a taste of fame, Steve-O, Orbi Orbison, Nikki Sixx, and the list goes on.  Kat Von DON'T!


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