Saturday, September 11, 2010

Justin Bieber Water Balloon Bombs The Wrong Target

Another Bomb by Bieber...

Before Justin Bieber's concert at the Maryland State Fair over the weekend, the teeny bopper decided to kick back, get rowdy, and throw water balloons.  However, the Bieb's aim was a little off and he ended up hitting two state troopers.

Their first response was, "Hey, that girl's throwing water balloons at us."

One of the balloons sideswiped a trooper on the chest, and the other burst on the second trooper's gun belt.

It is still unknown how Justin was able to get his hands on these water balloons.  The package specifically said, "for children ages 8 and up."

The troopers noted that Justin exhibited "inappropriate behavior."

Interestingly enough, both troopers were ex catholic priests and had a case of Bieber fever, simply giving Justin some "counseling" rather than jail time.

All in all, the concert went on without a hitch and Justin was happy to be performing at the State Fair.

The Maryland State Fair has featured many attractions this summer.  These include the county's mascot Sheila the Sheep, the newest addition to the pot belly pig family, Mr. Wiggles, and their most unbelievable feature: Fairies!  The sneak preview of these fairies could be seen at the Justin Bieber sound stage.

Read More About Justin Bieber...
Catfight Over Justin Bieber
Bieber Prepares for the VMAs
Justin Bieber Smiles for the Cameras

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